HBOT Healing

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Ashfield, Inner West, Sydney

Experience the rejuvenating, healing effects of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a Mito health hyperbaric chamber.

What is HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy)?

A hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a sealed space in which your body can experience the same kind of pressure it undergoes when scuba diving. Our Mito health hyperbaric chamber allows your body to experience 1.4 ATA (equivalent to being at a depth of 4 metres below the surface of the ocean).

When your body is under pressure, oxygen dissolves into your blood plasma, allowing it to reach tissues it is not normally able to reach. This aids in healing at a cellular level. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is therefore helpful in speeding up the healing process for acute injuries and conditions, as well as chronic illnesses.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used as an adjunct in the treatment of numerous conditions, including:

HBOT may also assist in:

  • the growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) including erectile dysfunction
  • stimulating stem cell growth
  • detoxification
  • increasing white blood cell production
  • improving strength, energy and endurance in sports people

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What does HBOT feel like?

HBOT is a full body relaxing experience. You can lie back against the pillows in the Mito health hyperbaric chamber and sleep, meditate, work, read, or watch videos. Battery-operated devices are allowed in the chamber so you can take your phone, tablet or laptop in with you.

The chamber contains a memory foam mattress and pillows for your comfort. You will also have the option to breathe oxygen from an oxygen concentrator through a mask or nose tube during your HBOT Healing sessions.

You will feel a slight build up of pressure in your ears during the few minutes the chamber takes to reach full pressure. This is a similar feeling to travelling down a mountain in a car. You may want to yawn or hold your nose and blow to release the pressure. This sensation will disappear once the chamber is at full pressure. You will be fully in control of the speed at which the pressure builds - all the controls are operable from both inside and outside the chamber, so you can let the pressure out at any time.

The soft-shell Mito health hyperbaric chamber is sealed with two zippers, both of which are accessible from inside. Your HBOT Healing service provider will also be on hand to help you in and out of the chamber at all times during your sessions.

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About Jennie

I’m a florist and piano teacher. My Mito health hyperbaric chamber is situated in my home floral studio, where I’ll be constantly on hand during your HBOT Healing sessions. I’ve suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia for 28 years. Since I started mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy in 2022, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my energy and pain levels, so I’m keen to share the experience with others who may benefit.

Note: I suffer from claustrophobia, so I will be very empathetic if you experience any anxiety during your sessions in the chamber. After well over 100 sessions in the chamber myself, I am now extremely calm and relaxed during my own daily HBOT Healing sessions.

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Session price Detail
Optional free trial session 15 mins at 1.4 ATA
$50 per 1 hour session 45 mins at 1.4 ATA
$80 per 1.75h session
($60 disability concession card holders)
1.5h at 1.4 ATA
$1400 for twenty × 1.75h sessions
($1050 disability concession card holders)
to be used within one month
20 × 1.5h at 1.4 ATA

Book your first session

Note: HBOT has a cumulative effect. Studies show that HBOT is most likely to be effective when used 1.5 hours a day, five days a week, for as long as required. For chronic conditions, it may take many months to begin to experience beneficial effects.

Accessibility: the hyperbaric oxygen chamber is located in my home studio up one flight of stairs from ground level.

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We'll only ever use your details to contact you about your enquiry.

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